Patient information

All the important information you will need to prepare for an appointment at the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne

Preparing for your appointment

To access dental care through the public dental system, you need to be eligible. Extra eligibility criteria may apply for dental specialist dental services. If you are eligible for public dental services, you may also have priority access.

Are you eligible?

How much you pay for public dental health care depends on your situation and the type of treatment you need. You may be able to get treatment for free or there may be a cost involved.


The Commonwealth Child Dental Benefits Schedule allows for basic dental treatment over a 2 year period. In all Victorian public dental clinics eligible children pay $0, your child will have the next available appointment and treatment is bulk billed.

Child Dental Benefits Scheme

Answers to our most asked questions about receiving care from The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne.

Commonly asked questions

To access specialist dental services at Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne you need a referral. The referral needs to be from an oral health practitioner, health practitioner or a specialist department at the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne.



Waiting lists

Building emergency procedures

The health of our patients, visitors, and staff is our biggest priority. We have put in place a number of measures to keep our community safe while providing the highest level of care.

COVID-19 information

Your personal information